We all have a lot to learn

Church Resources

Restoring Faith In America

Check out these resources about our Faith and Freedoms.

Financial Seminar

‘The Final Financial Biblical Bucket List” a practical and helpful financial seminar, shared by Pastor Wayne Lynch.

John Schultz Bible Commentary

Want to DIG DEEP into the scriptures? John Shultz's bible commentary is very in depth and thorough bible commentary that will help you go after, "The meat of the WORD." 

David Guzik Bible Commentary

An easy to use and simple to understand Bible Commentary. A wonderful resource to add to your scripture study. 

Got Questions

Your Questions… Biblical Answers… A Wonderful Resource with over 720,367 answers to your Biblical questions!

7 Steps to a New Beginning

What does this mean? What really happens to us when we believe in Christ? Here are even gifts God gives you when you commit your life to Christ.